one glove lost
the other thrown away
our spring walk
Tibet is the source of the headwaters of the 8 major rivers of Asia. These
rivers are the lifeblood of South and Southeast Asia, providing sustenance,
today's moon -- will anyone not be taking up his pen?
No word from Japan, yet.
I have contacts on the coast, Sendai, Tokyo, Yokohama included - I'm worried.
That sounds like the lifecycle of my mittens.
you have friends/family in japan?
hope you hear good news soon.
We keep the stray gloves.
Yes, from here, worry and wait are about all that one can do.
Mostly renku friends I have up north there.
Most others in Kansai area around Kyoto, the old southern capital. Hidenori san is in Akita, far north. Takke is in the Tokyo region. I hope he was drinking; less likely to get hurt in a tumble when you're "relaxed", aye, Takke? I jest - Takke is an experienced translator.
Ms Eiko has made contact from the Tokyo Bay area. A graduate of the U of M, sorry, that's here in Minnesota, rumor has it she was in a 20 story building at the time of the main quake. But, rumors abound, don't they?
I googled a satellite pic of a visitor from Sendai - this has me most worried.
Sakuo san and Gabi sensei are neighbors, I believe, inlanders, is my guess. Niigata has checked in twice in the last 24 hours. That's on the coast facing Korea, with historic Sado Island in between.
Can you believe it? A hit on this site from Fukushima City, just prior to the latest evacuation from around the stricken nuclear reactors. . . Haiku spirit!
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