Sunday, November 12, 2017

Two Years Gone - How Much Longer?

Demarcating the Armistice and end of the Great War, and as a challenge to a Global Policy set forth simultaneously, one proven over a century more destructive than any intended peace, a small but determined group of US House Representatives abandoned the Lock Step anonymity of Cold War dominance to confront the House's doe-eyed Speaker with their, and Yours, mandate for Constitutional restraint at the edge of economic and territorial chaos - they proposed to end the thirst for an American Empire, one afforded merely by its geography and opportunism at the expense of the demise of Colonial Europe, resultant over the course of two World Wars while threatening another in lieu of actual adversaries and spurring an Orwellian future with the spectre of Totalitarian control as its inevitable conclusion. This Congress, and those to follow, are the handmaidens of those who adhere to this insanity of World Domination; one can see the foundations crumbling as we read this. This letter, and subsequent action, is the key to return to the acknowledgement of Humanity.

For it to succeed and a return to sanctity requires only your voices, and those with the understanding and determination are among us at this very moment. Why, when a single sentence is all that is required in place of your Enchantment with Apathy, are you still silent? What distraction could be so powerful to cause the denial of a will to live, and for your children's lives, and theirs to follow? So many are willing to declare their approval of peaceful coexistence in ways as diverse as there are stars in the sky, some even loud and provocative, others divisive just for their personal attachments, but always at the expense of real freedom from suffering. After ten years of commitment to this mission, I can barely contain my emotion at the thought of it. That's what propels me onward and little else, but for my word.


bandit said...

Well, here we are, and here I am, a 36 hour jaunt into the causes and perceptions of National, and very personal, existence. My whole damn body hurts, but some of it more than others.
That's nothing new - its an attribute that's kept me from addiction to certain pills and concoctions that are easily attainable. I sometimes wonder if I relish pain - t seems to accompany production in my life. Theirs a satisfaction to it, like the end of a race, only to pause a moment and then get up and go at it again.

I just can't sit still. If ever I found myself without a challenge or activity, I might go mad. More than a few of you have come to that conclusion already. You are correct. But not as to what degree. I'v come to respond according to the absurdity. I believe life is Absurd. You might call me competitive. at the moment, I'm trying to advance my disintegration. wrist; knee, some other stuff. I'm also impatient, yet I might wait 40 years to get the right word in.

I also require empty spaces. this can be advantageous to some of the literary endeavours I pursue. I am eschewing proofreading a the moment. Fingers don't work too good. Tactile sense is gone. i tend to a hard style where finesse is acquired by the strike of a hammer. It's just a matter of engagement and an intense focus. scary for the unassuming observer. I think however, there is a Void where this technique will succeed. it doesn't exist. when I get there I don't think I'll be able to tell you. Too bad. I wish you were there with me.

bandit said...

“Do you think his assessment is accurate?” was the subject line of an email I got from a good friend recently. The email referred to the article by Paul Craig Roberts “One Day Tomorrow Won’t Arrive” which claimed that “the US military is now second class compared to the Russian military“. The article then went on to list a number of Russian weapons systems which were clearly superior to their US counterparts (when those even existed). My reply was short “Basically yes. The USA definitely has the quantitative advantage, but in terms of quality and training, Russia is way ahead. It all depends on on specific scenarios, but yes, PCR is basically spot on“.