Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 2011 Dottie Dot Awards


Dottie, the mascot and editor-in-chief of the Haiku Bandit Society, has determined the three best Moon Viewing Party poems for the month of August, 2011.

Forthwith, here, in order of their appearance, are the recipients of this month's Dottie Dot Awards!

To view previous month's winners click here.

moon rabbit
among the summer stars
my birth year tattoo

rick daddario

wet behind the ears still the moon tonight


sleepy in the morning
the moon-viewer
and the grass where he was




  1. Thanks to your editor-in-chief for making it 3 in a row.She(?)simply loves me!
    I loved the one by Rick!

  2. She loves all of us in equal measure, sanjuktaa!

  3. Dottie has a discerning palate.

  4. oh cool and thank you Dottie. i hope you get some good scritching behind the ears for your hard work.

    mahalo Bandit. this was way fun.

    thank you Sanjuktaa and congratulations to all the party attendees... aloha - rick


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