Monday, April 9, 2012

April 2012 Dottie Dot Awards

Dottie, the mascot and editor-in-chief of the Haiku Bandit Society, has determined the three best Moon Viewing Party poems for the month of April, 2012.

Forthwith, here, in order of their appearance, are the recipients of this month's Dottie Dot Awards!

To view previous month's winners click here.

low cloud a velvet -
the moon
a stain

comrade harps

almost egg moon
something runs
across the road

angie werren

Easter moon
vinca covers the grave
of the frozen swallow



  1. Dottie has not lost the edge! Well done to the winners.


  2. thank you, dottie!

    I'm sending you some (virtual) biscuits; I'm honored and quite tickled to be included in your award this month!

  3. Love angie's especially, the 'something' crossing is great


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