Wednesday, December 31, 2014

John Carley 1955 - 2013

It's been almost a year since my father passed and I'd like to share some of the haiku he wrote in his final year with friends; with the hope that they will also post the poems in the appropriate places. Consulting with my sister, I've chosen four complete pieces and one which may be unfinished or purposefully formatted to run as a single line, perhaps to reflect the experience of reading in Japanese.

As I read them, and the file creation dates support this, there is a piece here for each season - Winter back through to winter. On our cold and wet island, this is the pattern a calendar year takes. All this said, I profess no comparable understanding of the art form and may be on the wrong track. Regardless, I feel the pieces read well when presented in the order offered here.

We've had a difficult year as a family, but one characterised by a determination to move together as a family and look at the beauty and opportunities that life offers. As the anniversary approaches, it helps me to know others are thinking of him. To that end, the pieces are offered below.

Happy seasons greeting and a very happy new year,

Alex Carley

my bedroom wall I conjure up a snowdrop

an Easter flame
is burning in my chest —
the night sweats come

this curving beach —
the space between
silence and birdsong

all I need are mountains
and a hedgehog —
autumn deepens

sitting by the fire
I make peace with the moon —
softly, softly, night


  1. I shared a couple of houses with John when we were at University together and was very saddened to hear he had passed away. We briefly made contact a few years ago and I wish we had managed to meet up. Mike Majendie

  2. new years day
    i find an old friend
    has passed

  3. I knew John well between 1970 and 1975. Reading this work of his has conjured him up for me. Thank you.

    Mary Meewezen Matthews


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