Monday, March 6, 2023

I get emotional in the morning

 ... and I haven't even had my coffee yet. 

Now, if only I can get my US Congress to get off it's collective behind and follow their oath of office. We have a constitutional crisis currently. Our executive branch - read that as the State Department - has promoted war in the Ukraine since 2014, spending well over a hundred billion dollars, in fact, ably supported by our media machine and a captive, NATO apparatus.

Not to discount the thousands of deaths incurred due that scurrilous strategy.

Well, US citizens? If you're of a like mind and see this post, before it disappears, contact them to assertively let your feelings be known. If enough participate, even from the safety of your own home, they will relent. I know. I've seen it succeed. You might even try this one, simple trick;                                                                  

Send faxes en masse to your Congressperson. The reason being, faxes are so  ... tactile. They make a right bloody mess of the office floor, while a career politician's sensitivities run to one goal; re-election.  I've always said, 

"The US Congress is the weakest link in the chain."   

Rattle it.

Now, just look at these kids. they give one hope, don't they? 

戦争法案強行採決に反対する国会前緊急抗議行動 (2017)


         A thicket of summer grass
             is all that remains
          of the dreams and ambitions
                of ancient warriors

      Matsuo Basho; Tr. by Nobuyuki Yuasa




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