Sunday, May 21, 2023

Update: Google kidnaps my blog unless I let tracking cookies read my mail; what the Hell for?


I've been locked out of my blog for refusing what on the surface, appears to be a run of the mill procedure. Except it came with no warning, resembled a malware attack, with no legible identification of the "authority" demanding it. Even my browser advised caution, unaware of its source. Notice was given by a tab, or pop up window, that covered the entire screen and stopped any further publication or such task dead cold. I had no control of any function to continue. Refusal to comply meant a total loss of all copy published here since 2009.

And I just as abruptly blew my stack. I didn't quite lose my wits though, despite appearances. It's the quiet ones to watch out for ...

My browser advised I block the pop-up command, prepared with a "button" to close the window, stating it offered no
identifiable purpose or  background. I responded, but to no avail.  I tried to take a screenshot of the persistent intrusion, but the pop-up ran and hid. Essentially, I had been hacked!

With some trepidation, I left the screen as it stood.
What's the result? No images for you! Will content be next?

Further research only made vague mention of a scenario to sync between the cookie(s) and accessing external links.

Allegedly, mine is not seeking external links - have my stored images, including existing Blogger photo files numbering close to 2000, now become suspect?

I have yet to check any of the company's own blog posts with news of the change. I do receive occasional notes re: Europe's draconian laws regarding content that is forbidden. It's never been a problem. This traffic tends to be under the radar. I have regular hits from all corners of the globe, and a rash of new visitors with every new post, as infrequent as they are. I assumed people more often than not viewed the catalog of links in the side column. Some of it is not allowed in their home country. At least not without a VPN to hide their identity. This a recent trend, and I ask why now? One must now use stealth to choose certain material to inform. Because, it is forbidden. You may now be arrested for disseminating a book, e.g.

It's odd that this "improvement",  would appear now. No flowery language preceded it, no concerted messages from various vendors comprised to soften the blow.

The blog dashboard is relatively unchanged for the fourteen years I've managed it. On the contrary, some features have been removed, making publishing a more rigid and limited task.

Other "media" user platforms tend to patch over JavaScript that is sensitive at best, and often fails with larger content upload, or just inadequate server function. In other words, quality suffers for expediency without redundancy to handle heavier traffic demand.

Reading the minimal Google text, it appears it intends to track every incoming piece of data to detect, the identity of the source for nothing more than investigation. Basically, it's collecting all source origins as well as my personal habits and tendencies!

But, they already do. Some other guise. Maybe its a hack - a Facebook simulation again, that waffled some uses - and took down one specific journal's short cut like an assassin beside the bed.

I'm reminded of Windows "updates" - that beguiling nuisance actually compiling every user keystroke and search pattern you use.
Windows won't run without it, unless you can disable the function.
Even Window 7 was subject to this surveillance after it was no longer supported. It just came back, like a pest to snoop again.

My reaction? I flipped. Call it PTSD, if you want.
My opinion is this; Google is not enhancing what works now for its own use or any user. This  is unwarranted, in my experience. If I perform some action that has carries implications on a platform that serves at the will of administrative policy and I don't agree, might I lose another laptop from attack? It happened

Will I describe that incident here? Not now.

I have over seven hundred entries, with many more deleted or edited further for 900, but with no where to display them. You may have noticed the empty page after this surprise visit. I hope you enjoyed the headlines. I'm doubtless not the only one to tell Google to kiss my ass.

I just removed every function I could from my phone. It was evolving into an onerous presence, demanding time and attention it doesn't nearly deserve - most of it to garner more screen time, every personal detail for Google's gain and my detriment.  

It's as though a gang of thugs, a criminal enterprise, enters your place of business and demands extortion for you to continue. if you refuse, and you can not defend yourself, your brand and your work will no longer exist.

And once you submit, the demands escalate.

I decided to scream and yell and make a scene at least. I'm sure it was amusing. I laughed myself. And it doesn't fit a reprisal from Europe or record of any offensive material. 
It's true I may be a mad poet, and a poor one at that, but I also play a Pamphleteer. But, what, or who is it I'm trying to inform or persuade? Any one in my shoes in harm's way. It would seem I'm outnumbered, and out shouted, isolated for speaking, silenced if I disagree.

A sea change occurs in the manner we are ruled. It's happened at an alarming pace, without consent or concern for consequences. Most of these incidents seem drastic, though the media support unimaginable foreign policy
As if each indulgence of fantasy then supported by an incredible network of propagandist strategy and deceits that, literally, boggle the mind.
They are subject to analysis, however, inevitably for motivation; in an historic sense, forecasting to determine why now,  the past's worth a guide book to find what it is that benefits who. 

Yet it's quite plain to see we are not allowed those results to be revealed. On the contrary, we are deprived as well as labeled provocateurs or enemies of the state in that pursuit. I'll repeat that;
For distributing or consuming what was once common knowledge, you are now subject to accusation of being a criminal in the eyes of what ever political structure you may reside under. What once was a privilege taken for granted is now grounds for your reputation being publicly defiled, censorship, arbitrary regulation applied and/or prosecution in a court of law. Often the treatment includes harassment.
Employing willing career politicians as a frontispiece, some greater cabal has intentions to control the population, obviously, while in pursuit of some odious goal not to be revealed, by omission or misdirection . It involves numerous nations working in tandem with shared tactics. As it progresses, the burden on each citizenry becomes more brazen in an exponential fashion with a concurrence with devastation to cultural and economic function. That is irrefutable fact. The name of it could be NATO

A preponderance of regular people do not want to acknowledge what is readily observed. Experience compels me do otherwise. I cant help it. I'm just a nuisance that way.

Now I'll have a look and see what remains of this rag. Pardon the disruption.

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