Saturday, May 6, 2023



Running an eye over content (cripes sake, more unintelligible 20th century jargon?) has gone apace, consuming the three years prior.  Everything, I mean everything, can be improved. Forever. Depending on my mood or airs. Lucidity. That, too.

Otherwise, I view what posts have been viewed and edit on the fly; for content, layout, and, larger type. Better late than never, its less embarrassing that way. Plausible deniability.

I still intend, eventually, to learn how to write haikai. The skill of fitting Mississippi, or say refrigerator, into a poem, with panache, still eludes me though.

Continuing to add links in haikai, asymmetry and news items I find of interest; 

Some links, like Japanese Storytelling at Bedtime, don't work. I keep it for sentimental reasons. Another is a blog of a woman I fell for, hard - through correspondence.
More than an infatuation, I loved her for her mind, and mentorship, her courage. We two were the only bloggers in existence who listed The Westerner as a favorite movie. That's how we met. I remember it well; we spoke about our affection for dogs, actually ,,,

She made her keep as a writer. She wrote like a dream, in fact, with nuance, knowledge and gorgeous phrasings. Resourceful as she was intelligent, she could submit on any subject - she'd knock it down for a few dollars more, reliant on the quality of her craft, even professing to be an authority in different careers. Just enough detail to support a suggestion, say, as example, she was a microbiologist. Fifty cents a word, and never dyed a pathogen to identify under a microscope, putting her in league with institutions such as the CDC.

For that deft deception I adored her, even more so for her dry wit and like me, a solitary manner. By coincidence, both of us were of Norwegian descent, attuned to that taciturn insight inherent of our ancestry despite living a continent apart. You see, we never met in person, yet I affectionately called her Swede.

Fool that I am, I ended up alienating her.
Facebook, that platform of division, was involved, of that I'm certain. Resentment of her superior talent, perhaps, I'd reverted to mansplaining that Hillary Clinton was the chosen one to advance the USA's greatest deception; The Rumsfeld/Cebrowski doctrine, intending all the world's inhabitants to be its vassals.

Unable to persuade her, in a pathetic, Minnesota Nice/passive aggressive gesture I called her Mrs. Parker.  I'd crossed the line. For that petty indiscretion by my own hand, I had become the un-friend. .

 What mysterious impulse could have forced it? The hour, the season, the ill conceived perfection of a social media apparatus honing its behavioral modification savvy to serve a darker agenda?

There may be a waka poem or two in these pages, also. The feeling's there, the pattern, the partner ... I'll not tell for fear of my in-hesitant heart.

Most remaining rubbish is the result of my sloth and neglect. I beg your pardon.

Unless, I might want to balance a section - I've overlooked tsuri-dōrō until now - or a region, by adding Nikkei Asia today. It seems as indifferent a journal, thus objective, as Interfax or Swiss Policy Research may be. 

One recent Nikkei lead informed of the opening of the first NATO liaison office in Asia next year, in the country of Japan. The report said NATO and Japan will take more steps to increase cooperation by signing an agreement known as an Individually Tailored Partnership Programme ahead of the NATO summit that will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, in June. Japan also plans to open an independent mission to NATO, separate from the Embassy in Belgium.

Will the black ships sail once again, I wonder? 

Oh, look, I've misspelled liaison.


  1. Edit # 20 or so. What time is it, anyway?


  2. At a later date, Swede, diagnosed with cancer, left her circle, admirers really, and went off alone to die in a manner fitting of someone desirous to avoid emotional complications.

    Some women handle the burden of their beauty by downplaying its affect, I suppose. Some, with immense confidence, style and class.


Add your comment, critique, suggestion, beef or praise. Pandering, soliciting, or self-promotion will be frowned on (unless you're better than me). Let's start a Conversation!!