Sunday, June 18, 2023

What you see is not what you get

Try logging in to a password protected account with windows, one that uses your email as an identifier, any email, for that matter, that you have chosen  ... the now familiar - even to three-month old babes suckling at their mother's lap top - "pop-up" that lists your google accounts may appear. Doesn't everyone have one? They're as prevalent as pennies in US currency, probably just to collect a DNA sample of every US citizen, but otherwise useless, some might say - no one wants them, but propriety demands we accept them.

Or you could discard them in the dish provided next to the register. Or make a little pile of zinc plated copper, the original copper metal content degraded by the Treasury due to inflation and excessive discretionary spending. Many governments devalued their currency by reducing the metal content of their coinage, although a few still exist despite that ordeal.  Rome is an egregious example if only for its Imperialist intentions and sudden, yet inevitable decline.

Or, as I sometimes do, throw them on the sidewalk outdoors for some scrounger to make theirs one lucky day ... an old wive's tale taught to gullible children.

Except now, depending on the site you've chosen, the list might just include a demand that you must choose your Google Account to provide access. Try it again, the same demand.You might try to take a screen shot, but it disappears when you do.

No access is allowed without it. Or, so you think. Go ahead. Click on it. You're in a hurry and it's just a stupid email account. One that's easy to remember  ... annoying, yes, like a small electrical shock, the denial, you've had it before.  And, as you may have "learned",  the way to avoid it again is to click the "right" button to get your reward ...

A second or third refusal and the aggravation is removed - along with any chance of forming a class action lawsuit for violation of anti-trust laws. 

Google can be the very definition of Persistent, but they're not stupid. You might even say that statement defines a zero-sum game, but with certain qualifications required of its participants.

Try it and you'll see ... It's fun living on the edge, isn't it?
You may ask, "Why would the USA go to such incredible lengths to create a dystopian apparatus to control media, communication and even our speech?"

 This is why.
So, who is in control of US policy?  When Biden uttered the phrase “I’m deviating from the script, am I going to get in trouble” don’t you understand that someone is scolding him if he speaks his own mind?

1 comment:

  1. You may ask, "Why would the USA go to such incredible lengths to create a dystopian apparatus to control media, communication and even our speech?"

     This is why.


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