Friday, January 5, 2024

WEF, excess deaths - while we're at it, let's debunk this load of Bollocks so we can get on with it, please?



* * * Special Bonus Feature:* * *


We'll have an incredible mess to clean up as it is. I mean, just who do they think they are? It's not the first time, nor will it be the last. Megalomaniacs have aspired to ridiculous heights throughout history. They rise on the backs of adoringly hypnotized masses (pardon me; the acceptable term is Mass Psychosis. Wouldn't want to ruffle anyone's murmurations). Not to mix metaphors, but soon after things are going swimmingly, aside a few unpleasantries, ranks of polished jackboots lined up, budgets busted and the coffers emptied, plan B once again broken out to start a war to hide that fact and profit besides, what could go wrong? It's beginning to become a cliche after a Millennia or two.

Gah! it must be dizzying to feel all that hubris and control though, aye, until that fatal step when they step on the banana peel of fairness and logic and whoopsie!

 Not to kick a Malthusian while  he's down, although I would tie his shoelaces together as he addresses the WEF from behind his lectern just for a laugh, what if Bill Gates hadn't gotten guidance from Dad's founding of Planned Parenthood and a hand up from his mother's vast, lucrative corporate connections and deigned not to steal that code that still spies on my Windows 7?

We could all have a chance to play a rousing game of  Monopoly™! Stripping our friends blind of all their assets and leaving them in a delicious wake of self-delusion and regret. What  are zero-sum games for, after all? I should design its successor; a board game called Total Dependence On The State. I'd include bonus points for successful cheating. I've made some head way into research already.

Speaking of musical chairs, be it noted that every Representative Republic throughout history has failed. Why? We keep voting in our candidates that eventually succumb to overriding corruption. Despite what they say about Biden's schedule or Trump's paperwork (the common factor being Golf) it's a full time job. Please forgive me for mentioning the one you love to hate, btw. Just keep me out of it. I was twice a delegate for Ron Paul. We came this close to brokering the convention in 2012. But in the eleventh  hour, baby, we got Schlonged. Yeah, I know, that's what they all say ... is it our Human Nature? One thing is for sure; History does rhyme.

So why board that Karmic Circle Jerk of division for another go-round? If one tears the veil of public relations from their eyes and observes mindfully, we stand in full witness of another of Empire's Great Pratfalls. I say that with confidence since I've watched the markets and history for decades now out of a strong sense of familial responsibility and my own self interest. Yes, I am selfish prick. One might say crude and vulgar, also, but one would hardly notice. Still, keep your cell phone ready.  I'm not sure you'll be able to post the snapshots on Meta, though.

We could bandy accusations and creative adjectives of catch phrases for Evil about all day long. One of the most creative writers I've had the good fortune to meet, Karin Bugge, spent her own time teaching me not to over do it. 

... oh, Karin, how I miss you. Which reminds me; nobody comments to give me any stick or exchange jibes any more. We had a crew that loved each other and the camaraderie ... have I become too unpleasant? Erm, no need to hurry with your reply.

I was offered a great kindness similar to these the other day. Whatever my declining state of mind, assuming they were witticisms, I'd taken to spouting off the cuff, disparaging remarks, assuming some relevance in my cynicism. A fellow where I was visiting took some umbrage at my insistence. Even I'd noticed a pattern, but, feeling helpless, I was stuck in a rut. 

He said I was far from clever and exceedingly annoying. I'm paraphrasing what is essentially a smack-down. The kind of stuff reserved for your closest confidante or someone you'd step outside with to scuff your elbows or defend your honor for. I shut my pie-hole and stopped right there. But I didn't get angry. It was as if a bell went off and awakened me from a spell. So I answered him. 
"It's like listening to a looped tape of negative, negative, negative, isn't it?" 

Not the type of answer he was expecting. This fella travels in certain circles that ... I wouldn't mention in mixed company. But the reaction was significant.  He went on to assist me in my epiphany, asking me what I had accomplished to help others as a positive gesture. And surprisingly, I was able to respond with a few! Odder still that a number involved taking on insurmountable authority we might find daunting, and beating them at their own game. I also recognized those causes sprang from a tendency to help people who suffered from abuse but couldn't defend themselves.

It's quite a bit different from posting diatribes in comment sections. I enjoy a good diatribe, but I don't seek allies on comment boards. A bit of a snob in that regard, sorry.

So appreciative was I that I interjected something supportive later that day. Which caused my benefactor to snap and call me some dirty names. I met his challenge with a lack of concern in my eye. Being a little jaded doesn't always hurt. It's a sign of the times. That is, I didn't meet his challenges in typical fashion. As a result, nothing happened.
The gentleman had been under certain stresses recently, I'd learned. No, I can't relay them.  He admitted to a remarkably difficult upbringing earlier. A common theme we shared to a degree, though I wasn't contesting his tragedy with mine. People do that, you know. It's like they don't listen and are just waiting for their turn to talk about themselves. And I'd deduced he was a manic-depressive besides.
It could have been job qualification for all I knew. I do roll in some interesting circles, not immune to misunderstanding. Fewer than I used to. It's become more a personal choice, rather than letting my whim left to chance, self-destruction or domination.

I never said relationships weren't easy. Dysfunction can be handed down through generations, as well as by public decree, which is the most wicked form of leadership. It's best avoided. Yet its reach is insatiable. 
Despite defining some goals, I realize total isolation from involvement is not a healthy choice, either. Nor is it compassionate.

To merely observe is not enough. Conversely, to deny a common threat, out of fear or dispassionate safety has its own limits. Some villains are real and will not go away.
I used to enjoy watching those black and white science fiction movies, their concepts cutting edge and loaded with coincidence of themes of Science. The threats were metaphorical, the monsters scarier, the thrills more titillating and essentially, when the credits rolled, totally harmless. even fiction may have its motivation to persuade however. It reminds me of how adroit our media's responses have become, however beguiling. The onus has been placed squarely on Agenda.

Sure, you could walk out of the theater into the light of day and a seemingly benign lifestyle.
But only because, in that nostalgic reality, nobody ever got hurt.



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