Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 2011 Moon Viewing Party


we mount the icy stair --
darkest in its depths
lightens our cautious step


You are cordially invited to our ninth moon viewing party of 2011!
The full moon rises Monday, September 12th, GMT.

To submit a poem (each submission remains the property of its author)
you may email us here: HAIKU BANDIT SOCIETY or post in comments.

Please include your pen name so we might accredit your poem properly. Happy moon gazing!

To see previous month's moon poems click here.


nobody shows up
but the moon

Pamela A. Babusci

another full moon
the same old
love affair

pat nelson

under a waxing harvest moon
in a field of crickets
a man talking to himself


harvest moon --
wishing for it to fall
butter side up

Melissa Allen

harvest moon
I knead the bread on
grandma’s board


this pumpkin
as full as that, harvest

Angie Werren

resilient moon
beams of hope and strength
on two blue columns

Barbara A. Taylor

silver moon
through autumn leaves

rick daddario

US Open
auntie sam wants you…
powering Pisces moon

Barbara A. Taylor

match point
the distance between
this moon and that


The full moon sets
as the sun rises
I face north
to follow a highway
a line on the earth
to separate seasons


a correspondence
til the end of my days
to the one
with whom I'm smitten
harvest moon


Full moon
Blowing past
In the gale

Brian Pike

our shrinking shadows touch--
harvest moon

Alegria Imperial

full September moon
shining into my room
love dreams

Adelaide B. Shaw



Tito said...

under a waxing harvest moon
in a field of crickets
a man talking to himself -
(not me)

bandit said...

Did you watch the Presidential Debate, Tito?

Actually, 54% of those polled were listening to Ron Paul.

And the gap is ever widening . . .

angie werren said...

this pumpkin
as full as that, harvest

Barbara A Taylor said...

resilient moon
beams of hope and strength
on two blue columns

Wrick said...

silver moon 
through autumn leaves

rick daddario

Barbara A Taylor said...

g'day all

i'm so excited!

US Open
auntie sam wants you…
powering Pisces moon


peace and love

sanjuktaa said...

match point
the distance between
this moon and that

Alegria Imperial said...

our shrinking shadows touch--
harvest moon

bandit said...

My goodness, the theme of love runs through this month's party!

And they say spring . . .

Anonymous said...

Mmm, tennis. Love, smash, advantage, match.

bandit said...

I knew it! I just knew you'd love it! What'd I tell ya, Tito?! I said she'd love it.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

I like Melissa Allen

bandit said...

Who doesn't, PA?