Monday, August 27, 2012

August 2012 Moon Viewing Party II

in view of the moon;
the gas flare's heated glow
lighting the Bakken


You are cordially invited to our ninth moon viewing party of 2012! The full moon rises Friday, August 31st, GMT.

To submit a poem (each submission remains the property of its author)
you may email us here: HAIKU BANDIT SOCIETY or post in comments.

Please include your pen name so we might accredit your poem properly. Happy moon gazing!

To see previous month's moon poems click here.


Apollo moon
on his footsteps
scent of roses


moon viewing party--
a dove couple and I
sharing silence


blue moon
stories from once
upon a time

Cara Holman

end of summer moon
everywhere I've ever been
a souvenir

angie werren

click to enlarge

Rick Daddario

blue moon
rides the clouds -
backing into a dream

Mary Frederick Ahearn

click to enlarge

Margaret Dornaus

among stacks of boxes
two full moons

Rick Daddario

early morning walk
a micro bat fleets across
the large blue moon

Barbara A Taylor

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