Friday, September 29, 2017


trying to reconcile my image of a semi-retired slouch
with my OCD has been no Spring picnic

more people seem fixated on a speckled fawn
than concerned with a flight of geese

poets anthropomorphize plants and rocks and things
while I struggle with inanimate objects

my MMPI reveals a predilection for occasional chairs that swivel

more than once I've been called upon to ask myself,
"What would a Monkey do?"

I never understood what they meant by "fat ladies in glasses"
until I'd been under surveillance by the Secret Service

they talk of War and all the while I've fought myself
and I'm one tough son-of-a-bitch


bandit said...

1. the back forty
2. ritual sacrifice
3. paquito rojo - lil' red
4. the inner sanctum
5. themes from "a Clockwork Orange"
6. contemplation on a puddle of rust
7. staving off desire
8. bandit and moonfly

Anonymous said...

here we are, Will,
and still, too

good to hear your voice again,