Tuesday, November 21, 2017


... geese rummage through the stubble ... a kernel of corn left on the toolbox lid ... a flight of geese, or two, three even, couldn't find a formation ... the north pole is moving - may end up at 10 Downing St; they'll decide to tax carbon emissions claiming it's hot as Hades ... how will they tax electric cars? ... not at the utility level that uses coal, oil, NG to create the electricity to charge your batteries, at $200,000 a throw, provided by Mr. Musk as he wrings the Fed dry for special compensation, having not had a profitable year yet with Tesla ... they'll sell each other Carbon Credits, licenses to pollute middle managed by a Squid from hell with its tentacles in everything, fined for its indiscretions to fatten government coffers on a regular basis, a quid pro quo for the big boys and nothing more ... the Sun creates cycles, not ants running amok on a child's toy ball ... much like the Medicaid system, Big Hospitals like Regions and their merger and acquisition corporate model turning us into statistical data points of "successful" Preventive Medicine measures taken to assuage the legislators who cough up extra $$ each year in special session to sustain them. Watch out for the statins - they'll give you Amnesia among other mood swings, ladies, I've witnessed first hand, been called a liar for it by Primary Physicians in charge ... your brain thrives on cholesterol, btw ... although, sociopaths in the system are rewarded, even as you fawn over their Authority. I met one - as a test I made him forget his name - he failed miserably, yet he still lingers, unexposed, surrounded by worshipers ... he tried to hide his actions by having a phalanx of nurses block me from contacting my prescribing physician ... I was like an invading army laying siege to a kingdom, likely despised as well - if they despise me, do they not fear me, as well? ... 200,000 people die each year in hospital caused fatalities ... not to mention from radiation poisoning ... no one dares write a cause of death as such ...
your FDIC account insurance is per person, not each individual account ... when contagion happens you'll starve before you're paid ... no, you aren't allowed to include your children's names, not anymore ... all their models are based on isolated bank failures ... there will be a bank holiday, since no one will actually default ... Canada ... is Xfinity a terrorist organization? most of its customers believe so, preferring to call it a monopoly ... I call them dirty names, not even having patience for the poor souls of India who believe employment there a way out of poverty. I don't swear at them. I might taunt them, ask how they get by without a currency ... I told one individual to not take the commission job until he learned English. I helped him for an hour then gave up ... This despite Americans not understanding English as well as they do ... In the past 100 years, 94% of the world's edible seed varieties have vanished. Today, 75% of the world’s food comes from only 12 plants and 5 animal species and could result in colossal famine that affects billions of people, and would put companies like Monsanto in control of the fate of human existence ... insist NOW that your U.S. Representative and Senators vote “NO!” on any scheme to extend Section 702 of FISA. It's scheduled to end on New Year's Eve, unless a phoney amendment is put in place alleging to correct this abomination. Don't be fooled. Under Section 702, our federal government (unconstitutionally) grants itself the ability to wiretap (with a secret warrant) and collect information on innocent Americans ... I don't even know what day it is ... I thought it was Sunday, all day ...

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