Tuesday, December 19, 2017

December 2010 Dottie Dot Awards


Dottie, the mascot and editor-in-chief of the Haiku Bandit Society, has determined the three best Moon Viewing Party poems for the month of December, 2010. Forthwith, here are the recipients of this month's Dottie Dot Awards!

feeding demons
finding no enemies
full moon

John Merryfield

full moon
time for a new jar
of silver polish

melissa allen

full and long -
winter solstice


Hidenori Hiruta

To view previous month's winners click here.



Jean Spitzer said...

Merry Christmas to all y'all, too.

What happened to Dottie's outfit? No snowsuit for her?

John Merryfield said...

Thanks Dottie... want to come to Baja with me?

bandit said...

I'll chaperone...

bandit said...

Dottie wants to know if you use the long board.

bandit said...

Dottie needs no snowsuit - maybe a small cask of rum worn as a necklace.