Monday, April 20, 2020

Put your hands in the air

This coronavirus scare has been deliberately exploited as a power grab - NO lab in China would be responsible for the political actions that have occurred right in our backyard - from London's Imperial College,  and the intrepid Neil Ferguson's spectacular computer model as exaggerated as Al Gore's predictions, lack of viable research, and gravitas, hawking his carbon credits, plus commissions, associative fees, and media groupthink on the world that fizzled with the price of oil and it's effluents on a well charted face plant.
One with advance notice of falling global demand, austerity condemned to a dwindling circular decline,  let alone the wherewithal to consider any future beyond the European Commission's dream of control, their subjects duty to obedience and their very economic hubris destroying it's Bond markets in the process, redressed with the citizenry's tithing and the populace's disdain over increased authoritarianism and censorship, also spelled out, in bold, in the results of recent general elections.
Despite the obediently virtuous throngs, lips trembling snippets of Narrative in the wings, weighing every word and sound byte, willing or not, most never could defer to a lecture or official rebuke that their feelings didn't deem deserved of a righteous piling on in the face of a landscape of repeated failures.
I've tried kissing ass as a means to curry favor and enhance status, also - a strategy that led to more demands for adulation and none of the perceived benefits. You might say, I was beaten before even starting. They didn't even have to call out the National Guard.
Locking down the global economy seems rather silly in the example of Sweden and its reasoned social response - purported cases, reliable or not they may be, are similarly blared from the ramparts yet no matter how sensational or seriously condemned, no amount of tough love can get this virus to live up to it's dire expectations and compare favorably with the pronouncement of Doom. So hateful, and Sweden a pacifist country at that. Can't they cooperate and just die off as planned? With all it's Billions in opportunist's donations, you'd think the World Health Organization might muster a more murderous repost than those given.
It reminds of the vast amount of commentary, much of it predicated in the hopefulness of infection and suffering, upon dissenters protesting the obvious destruction to markets and economies more lasting than a flu season in it's natural course, Spanish, Bird, A, B, H1N1, or uncounted as the CDC exempted from reporting after claiming 22 million infections from SARS when they had none of the discounted pandemic recorded, so miserable the offered proofs, nor among its many patents on vaccines and strains to counter promote, aided by Experts deigned superior in tone and content, some available by mail. Stunning, for its trust in our conditioned belief systems. Fraud is usually adjudicated otherwise.
Zika was a disciplined entrant; US Congress afforded it's Billion dollar pound of flesh, before it retreated, from an actual count in Brazil of under 200 at the end of the day, profits taken and speculative bio-pharmacology and their hoopla having lightened a few punters pockets. Well played!
This game is one that reeks of all in, however. Congress (US) sprang to action, compensating the participants of eventual forfeiture and made whole again, I get free rent paid for one month and then I'm on my own in the post-apocalypse Greater Depression throughout  the continued piling on of a President not worthy of Politicians or their partisan endeavors, a whipping boy for the deeply unstately status quo and a Punch and Judy, right or wrong, for the divided throngs screaming from the cheap seats.
POTUS is a selfish putz, it's true. One among legion, yet restrained by term limits, the sorry son of a bitch will have to return to business as usual for the gall of not destroying it under the worst advisement while the chessboard and the pieces are batted from the table by a media that knows where it itches worst, scratching dubiously just to make things bleed.
The EU, as profligate, provider, plebianite and promoter of all things at its command (on paper, ordinance and by regulation), may take the route less traveled. Assuming, memories are short, mission statements are post-it notes and pathology is the origin of most of history, depending on the person left behind to write it.

If this doesn't alienate some people, I don't know what will.

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