Monday, December 4, 2023

Health worker arrested after allegedly misusing data to spread vaccine misinformation


"Winston Smith"

Stuff magazine, NZ;   ... the individual had worked in the health system for a number of years, and was authorised to access data as part of his work.

His mandate had been to create a publicly accessible, interactive website in New Zealand for vaccinated individuals in a payment portal and others seeking information. "Winston Smith" is a statistician, holds a masters degree in science and is previously a voluntary recipient of the gene therapy injection. 
He began to notice anomalies in statistics reported for the "jab" recipients, specifically, excess deaths correlating with certain batches of the vaccine above normal levels, exceeded by as much as 20%.

 Armstrong Economics, US:  ... an injunction had been granted by the Employment Relations Authority that prevents any publication of the data (click here to see a video interview; with data included).

 Zerohedge, ... Moderna is spying on you, employing an array of former FBI, Secret Service, and pharma-funded NGOs to police what it calls “vaccine misinformation” online.

Why will it not reveal pertinent information then to quell suspicion?

I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Read the comments at Zerohedge and you might be shocked, too. Choose "best" from the selection of comment rankings offered and it might blow your mind. 

Or, you may choose to run and hide under the bed, cover your ears and sing "la la la" real loud to drown out the world. I know some people like that who attest they don't want to be confronted with such disturbing content. Nice - while you can still avoid it. At least they won't hear the TV. 

Relentless behavioral modification makes Jack a dull boy.

I'm a little bit different. When the FDA approved mRNA gene therapy jabs for children, my state's Department of Public Instruction was ready. They announced their plan to provide "vaccinations" for children on Wisconsin public school grounds - on the same day.

I immediately asked the local school board administration for records of communication between it and the State offices. Our Governor had shown an inordinate interest in our state's youth and outcomes bordering on prurient obsession. Or, he was chasing mandates from CDC grants and other federal largess. After divesting the public pension plan from all "fossil fuel" investment, I prefer it were the latter.

"Sure," the secretary replied. "Tell us what you need and we'll tell you how much we charge." They do say that Freedom comes at a cost ...

I chose instead to request the Superintendent himself comment on what measures the Board should take in the event of injury from the jabs and what liability they should expect. The next open comment meeting was scheduled for that evening. Being ambitious, as well as a good little helper to the state apparatus, he replied, with a marked degree of disdain, that he would not even consider the subject on the agenda. I was just a little surprised at his fervor.

But it wasn't a week gone by that the gene therapy vaxx plan for children was abandoned - across the entire state.


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