Monday, December 4, 2023

Verified: A Watershed Moment


Despite the news blackout on the subject, I learned one or two things today. 

One, that extended vaccine data, of any type, has never been publicly reported. From any country or any source. Ever. Except for this recent disclosure culled from the records of the Ministry of Health, New Zealand. 

The data was revealed by an administrator of the Ministry of Health itself. while In the process of constructing a website for vaccine recipients he noticed evidence of serious safety concerns with the  Covid vaccine. He then notified the Ministry of his findings along with various social and news media, while offering high ranking political figures the opportunity to sponsor. Hearing no reply from any of the contacts, he released his findings, inviting other statisticians in country and abroad to verify his labors in a broader peer review. 

The news was not well received; It was taken down in five minutes after posting to YouTube, for example. Those news agencies offered access to this story, direct from the source, empirical evidence intact confirming its integrity and massive impact around the world simply declined. How absurd is it that they did not address its implication, choosing to parrot the accusations and slanders risen from patterns of concealment?

The Ministry of Health has responsibility for filing for an injunction forbidding disclosure, with allies deployed world wide in a desperate strategy to achieve total censure. It's uncertain what agency this latter tactic sprang from.

Awakened from its slumber, the Ministry simutaneously lashed out with agitprop in a patois combining illegal access, subversion and "spreading misinformation", that repurposed catch phrase, nee obscenity, to disguise censorship and oppress speech, demeaning those who dare say it, come closer to Mantra status with every repetition. 

Should we assume it policy emerged from an obscure manual deep in the dusty files kept in storage of its Human Relations Department? I find it intensely disingenuous for the vagaries compelling its usage, I fear it will ascend to an etymology of hysteria celebrated by psychotic brokers of power and their followers.

 Some people actually take the charge seriously; their numbers include those with behavioral traits that avoid critical thinking in favor of the scant comfort afforded in control by a shadowy authority figures. Others that hold high similar values for repression, unfair advantage, lying, and narcissism will be easily identifiable. 

No denials of substance were offered.  Only speech dripping with resentment and accusations.  Nor any pertinent argument, analysis, no apology or defensible data were revealed. Just some shaming and the predictable ad hominem. What might be expected from a typical globalist script. 

Although, estimates in the vicinity of 13 million deaths due the mRNA concoction is anything but typical.

In either case, it already suggests the presence of a continuous, concerted effort to hide information from the global public at large. And the practice is ongoing.

Second, the common flu vaccine has data effectively showing an excess of deaths attributed to its distribution well above deaths attributed to influenza (11% excess). Which raises questions regarding mortality data previously submitted. Other than that, no suggestion arises the shot is actually effectual in itself. Though it pales in comparison to the Covid jab, it further confirms what many already suspect of Pharmaceutical marketing practices.

Many interested parties (educators, medical institutional primaries, government regulators, politicians and pharma companies) refuse to see vaccine data due to a fiduciary responsibility to stop use of the product in question upon evidence of adverse events. Some would face criminal charges if they did not respond. Many others, of course, just want to keep their jobs.

 A lack of news media curiosity to investigate dissenting views further clouds the possible intent and/or competence of the only agents charged with its responsibility - our respective governments.

Unbeknownst to the general population, Medicare (CMS) keeps extensive data on medical treatments and related subjects. They are considered  the "gold standard" for related medical data sets.  Made unavailable to outside the medical industry, they have kept data on the Covid vaccines since day one. (This file was supplied by a whistleblower in the California HHS).


Records reveal mortality rates (MR) have exceeded a safe vaccine's baseline by 26%, with risk actually rising for a year beyond the date of inoculation.  

Given these data sets, an estimate by Steve Kirsch arrives at one death in 1000 doses given. (the linked site is currently blocked in New Zealand, something akin to martial law).

What has been revealed confirms the suspicions of many skeptical researchers; the close correlation of Medicare data verifies the New Zealand data, proving that the Covid vaccines are deadly and their distribution should be halted immediately.

This is confirmation of our worst fear. And, possibly lays bare even more horrible conclusions. How long have they known? Is this a deliberate act? Assuming multiple actor's involvement, what is the plan to avoid lawful consequence? Had they assumed a docile, public reaction, to be brushed aside like so many before? What would be yours?

As for prior knowledge by responsible entities, the Center for Disease Control does not volunteer relevant data nor readily publish its own conclusive data (other than attempts to bolster fear). Unable to compile necessary statistical data, It only retains mortality records, but not state by state vaccine record level data to compare with individual vaccine records with, as does the CMS, to compile normal, uncomplicated equations that a competent agency does as a routine matter . Nor will it ask for or seek the relevant data out. That is deliberate.

For that matter, the CDC has been known to invent fictitious statistics, however. In one famous case, it was to support distribution of a corona virus vaccine for a non-existent outbreak it had stopped keeping data for. Without the appropriate drama to call on, they invented claims of 20 million non-existent confirmed cases.

The data for the pandemic has been available since the very day the "vaccine" was first offered. Of the agencies mentioned above, if one extrapolates their authority and reticence to act in a responsible manner and applies it to similar Authority across the globe, it would appear that notice of this emergency has been deliberately withheld from its citizens from the very start.

 Inevitably, there will be more who come forward with proofs of the misconduct. Unless all communications are stifled with martial law installed by Emergency Order. That kind of anxiety created can not be contained.

More likely we will witness ludicrous displays of diversion, blame and denial. The proof is in our face already. For months now, in plain sight. Yet it's human nature's normalcy bias that restrains logic. As well for any who may stand accused.

The real collapse will be of a financial nature, a domino effect across the globe. I feel no corresponding paralysis. I believe it is near, beginning with elections in numerous countries next year heralding a sea changecertain to be accompanied by revolt. It may require an endpoint closing in on the end of the decade. It's not our first rodeo, indicating its not an apocalypse. It's just time. 

I've followed this Covid topic since its origin. Many others have not. Still more might feel incapable of forming an opinion, so they just go along in their hopelessness. In the face of presenting government and its partners an opinion, dissenting speech i.e, one might remember this; Although Pharma company vaccine producers have their various supporters as well as immunity from civil litigation, they are not immune from criminal prosecution. Willful negligence, under a perceived cloak of invulnerability, is not a defense. At some point the responsible parties must relent.

                  Be Careful With A Fool.

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