In response to the New Zealand whistleblowers recent covid vaccine data drop (see two previous posts of December 4) this is a rough draft;
assure people there is no evidence whatsoever that vaccination is
responsible for excess mortality in New Zealand and that they can
continue to have confidence in vaccines,”said Te Whatu Ora chief executive Margie Apa.
he is claiming is completely wrong and ill-informed... We take the
security of the information we hold extremely seriously, and this is a
significant breach of trust.”
The text above doesn't quite define the promise of the given title. Although its 'assuredness' does well to set the stage for the consequence of criminal liability that makes the Holocaust pale in comparison.
As arrogant as it sounds, the second paragraph, except for its rather catchy indignation and emotional appeal, makes not a whit of sense. The whistleblower, AKA Winston Smith, makes no claims. He is merely relating mathematical statistics garnered by the relevant agency itself as mandated by law. A decree sorely lacking for its exclusion of vital transparency.
As arrogant as it sounds, the second paragraph, except for its rather catchy indignation and emotional appeal, makes not a whit of sense. The whistleblower, AKA Winston Smith, makes no claims. He is merely relating mathematical statistics garnered by the relevant agency itself as mandated by law. A decree sorely lacking for its exclusion of vital transparency.
The last highlighted phrase comes closer to this essay's goal but if only for its projection. The irony is palpable.
Being prone to the Abstract and a slave to esoteric ramblings makes me a rather feckless writer. This is a Haikai blog after all. So I'll borrow from George Orwell's piece, Politics and the English Language, to measure the dominance of those who control not only our words, but subsequently our thoughts.
Being prone to the Abstract and a slave to esoteric ramblings makes me a rather feckless writer. This is a Haikai blog after all. So I'll borrow from George Orwell's piece, Politics and the English Language, to measure the dominance of those who control not only our words, but subsequently our thoughts.
After WWII, the politician's duty had evolved from the humble servant, in some instances, to the role of a demagogue. And yet the English Empire was slipping into a Modern obscurity. A notion of a conjunction between lawmaker's rhetoric and linguistics striking recognizable memes for emphasis belied, at its core, an agenda at once pretentious and increasingly introspective, tasked with the restoration of the trappings of Power as the Cold War loomed.
As secrecy prevailed, the Queen's subjects were subordinate to London's reconstruction, massive losses of an aging industrial base, spurring further financialization and a census reduction near two million people displaced.
In spite of this, the people remained giddy with the conquest of an Evil Entity that had become the sum of all their fears. Perhaps the opposite of Orwell's major contention, assuming the ineptitude of the community's pillars and their manner of speech . Orwell called it 'A catalogue of swindles and perversions'. That was in 1946.
Yet the ugly reality of the horrors of a half century of war would abide. Not so for the Aggressor or Defender. They are labels applied by the victors of any conquest to be borne or congratulated.
Yet as the underclass's joy in sharing sacrifice and award in vanquishing a now legendary foe waned, it became apparent that theme infused with fear, anger and courage was just the tonic to confuse a Nation that might otherwise balk at a political base consumed with grandiose visions of ill gotten power.
Thus hubris is born from complex origins of planning inspired by considerable greed deemed so cleverly superior. A policy of exploitation where every person becomes a player in a zero sum game, wittingly or not. Since the winners in typical fashion always acted in haste bound to mistakes. High stakes in a test between ideologues invested in fanaticism too bitter for the public's tastes.
And at what expense? A fore bearer of our current situation - monies intended for noble causes may never reach their destination. They are consumed by the interest payments on the national debt. An inevitable consequence of the addiction to extend the reach of government that must always expand, driven by the corruption inherent to every representative Republic through history. Eventually, they consume their selves. Other factors exist beside these two certainties, in combinations rhyming stanza upon stanza. None have been so Exceptional to resist.
It requires concealment. and distraction. Most notably, including that theme of an enemy at the gate. So successful a diversion. Infused with emotions of fear,. hate and a particular devotion, strange for its illogical status still requiring the Powers That Know Better provide an uneasy comfort. How to explain it? The best orator struggles today. Dependence grows on a surreal Newspeak. Orwell observed it. It hides in plain site today. Language devolves to nonsense. Have we been trained to become our own captives? I can't acknowledge the proper command. Of the wrong species, perhaps, born in the year of the monkey.
In a fiction so fragile it was a thrill of creation for those degenerate gamblers, still trusted yet incoherent, a coincidence against the confusion accompanying a sense One Should Know Better. Reinforcement is a constant. Good dogs who rebel receive a different command to interrupt their cortex. Bad dogs that display the Lizard brain too incessant are shot.
England's loyal subjects were giddy with the conquest of an Evil Entity representing the sum of all their fears. They believed they shared in the spoils and accolades through their sacrifice and gritty determination. Recall, however, the major funding sources for this ambitious Reich that failed came from financiers that alluded to belonging to the Allies. Their support is for those who can pay. In my personal dealings if one were to renege, I would make certain you did. Even to the extent I'd ascertain no one got paid if I didn't; such is the nature of persuasion.
England's loyal subjects were giddy with the conquest of an Evil Entity representing the sum of all their fears. They believed they shared in the spoils and accolades through their sacrifice and gritty determination. Recall, however, the major funding sources for this ambitious Reich that failed came from financiers that alluded to belonging to the Allies. Their support is for those who can pay. In my personal dealings if one were to renege, I would make certain you did. Even to the extent I'd ascertain no one got paid if I didn't; such is the nature of persuasion.
This trend led more to ideologies demanding dominance, requiring obfuscation to those themes so as to make them more palatable. Relations to the Public led to a focus of controlling behaviors, with studious refinements over the passing of time, sometimes harried by the variances of objectives, opportunistic or in competition with other political ideals.
The specter of Communism was held high as the antithesis to the West's English speaking values, and so it remains to this day, embedded in Western people's psyche to be bandied about, in lockstep, the moment the propagandist's demand. More so for the last twenty five years and counting. This fiction identifies China's and Russia's role as antagonists, ignoring their turn to an advantageous policy of amicable trade relations eschewing the example of the West's voracious pursuit of an Imperial ambition.
An early example from an American standpoint would be the overthrow of the country of Guatemala, a brainchild attributed to Edward Bernays to accommodate the United Fruit Company's aspirations. It is an exemplar of misinformation, though the deceit required the onerous use of force to truly succeed.
In Orwell's dissertation, he said, 'the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts'.
Before I quit social media, I observed a trait in some people to accept beliefs that are unproven. Of course, the venue became a bastion of speech jotted down at the quick step confined in a template relegated to arbitrary rules that eventually defined division and encouraged goal seeking approval, with points awarded for conformity readily on display.
I became a user to join a writing group sponsored in Japan. I participated in one linked verse session over the space of a few years. So it was with the bulk of the foreign aspirants. I concluded that most were considered inferior, and not up to task of keeping with the integrity of the native authors. I agree with that premise.
Why? For a general lack of discipline to devote to historical values as a practitioner nor the mindfulness of a determined student. To do otherwise would be an insult. So why were we not excluded? It is a matter of saving face.
I lingered, thinking to benefit from the platform's main advantage. It is a venue easily purposed for self-promotion. To do so one must acquire many "friends". Which in turn is a starting point to consent to conformity. Or had I been seduced to seek approval while attending the desires my ego thrived on? I had no pictures of a family cat to display.
The budding Millennia was a hotbed of current events. Some so unique they could be life changing. Such is the nature of a society's decline. Interesting times inspire emotion, in turn promoting reasoning that may be fallacious in light of an attempt to assuage our anxiety, deliberate or merely incognizant.
A quest tempered by conformation bias, turned on its head by a media apparatus manipulated by an Authority seeking dependence.
And so opinions asserted forcefully were rife with assumptions without facts. On one occasion early on, when I mentioned the doubt I had, it spurred a rather violent reaction! Without evidence, I simply didn't agree.
The person followed that with a more spurious claim that didn't involve the principal character we argued over. Putin was sending agents to infiltrate Ukraine specifically to kill poets. I can't remember how the topic turned. Likely my counter argument to vote for a candidate not in debt to the obvious insistence on unjustifiable War. That was 2015. Yes, an election year in America. Haunted by a preponderance in government led by a clique obsessed with military interventions against people with no inclination to mount a campaign against the United States.
And so opinions asserted forcefully were rife with assumptions without facts. On one occasion early on, when I mentioned the doubt I had, it spurred a rather violent reaction! Without evidence, I simply didn't agree.
The person followed that with a more spurious claim that didn't involve the principal character we argued over. Putin was sending agents to infiltrate Ukraine specifically to kill poets. I can't remember how the topic turned. Likely my counter argument to vote for a candidate not in debt to the obvious insistence on unjustifiable War. That was 2015. Yes, an election year in America. Haunted by a preponderance in government led by a clique obsessed with military interventions against people with no inclination to mount a campaign against the United States.
Naive as I was, I attributed these accusations to deliberate messaging of an agent provocateur. As gentile an upbringing I had experienced, I wasn't exposed to raging fanaticism on a regular basis. I mean, the guy had a following of 1200 people and taught at a University. Likely a larger cohort than unemployed writers living with their grandmother in Lviv busking at the annual Stepen Bandera tribute.
Therein lies a clue of fanatic nationalism gone to extremes, with even a racist superiority logged into its Constitution. You may not know that fact but for the media/government complex that has succeeded in hiding it from you. A dangerous precedent that Meta has in spades once you consider its close origins from the US/British spy apparatus that deigns to control the world. One with a historical focus on violence and censorship with a hubris that overlooks its own shortcomings that is destined to fail. Yet the damage has been done.
I won't mention names. There were many, victims of some sort of brainwashing, I deduced, At the time I didn't follow the main streaming news. I didn't watch TV. I'd given up established newspapers, having been featured more than once in them, recalling the inaccuracies published as though an agenda existed prior to interviews. Well, my agenda as relating my observations are limited to proof of criminal conspiracy, including the formation of an industry of multi-billion dollar fraud, were directly contrary to the majority published and dispersed en masse, replete with anecdotes promoting sympathy for those actors. I even avoided the contentious charges against the person we argued about. I didn't care. My goal has always been singular.
The majority never had a clue. Not until now. But the scenario has played out again and again in my life. The majority, both content and righteous. I just imagine I have a certain gift at times, exposed to troubles that disallowed a happily clueless existence inside a bubble that has burst to favor themes of dominance. I try to act on these revelations. But these meandering tales are just anecdotes. Essentially, valueless. For the time being, the manipulation of information seems to have won out.
I recalled the Asch Conformity Experiment upon reflection. I remember the experiment to be rather benign. But I have begun to suspect we live in a vacuum perforated with behavioral modification cues every day.
History reveals this fault in human nature that time and again creates cultural dichotomies, only to rise and fall again and again. They are the harbinger of division and destruction if one accepts their cyclical nature an inevitability that must fail. It's the only way to convince us to a return of empathy directly in dissent of the construct of a singular ideology achieved through disparate forces.
History reveals this fault in human nature that time and again creates cultural dichotomies, only to rise and fall again and again. They are the harbinger of division and destruction if one accepts their cyclical nature an inevitability that must fail. It's the only way to convince us to a return of empathy directly in dissent of the construct of a singular ideology achieved through disparate forces.
Or as another author elaborated, 'the viciousness of our language makes it easier for us to have self-destructive, even suicidal thoughts'. Still, even if truths be revealed, our inherent, collective compassion can not prevail in the absence of the individual's consent.
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