Monday, March 10, 2025

Four 'o' clock in the morning


It's four 'o' clock in the morning 

between the real and the unreal

from one most tender, the other one floating

as I leave this room, so neat and tidy

to enable you access to the world


' upon awakening will you recall that kiss?

I tug on the thread ... '



Thursday, November 28, 2024

The Motor City is Burning - John Lee Hooker - 'link added'


this is john's confusion caught for eternity in '67. i've seen a new low-income building burnt down - from 20 miles away. even then i wasn't worried.  the attendee's were rather benign. nobody had run out of food yet.

the elected leaders were on a roll though. that is, 35 years later.. seems they were invited to a seminar on advancing blame for reckless popular leadership back to law enforcement. just as expected. but not, really. i/m talking about the george floyd riots here, what, four years and a buttload of indignation and caution spewed over media. i mean, don't let your sorry ass hang out when you can stir up an angry mob. the trick, disingenuous as it is dangerous, is to control it, or, allow an troublemaking media to carry the day forward. 

shit, minneapolis wishes it had our crime rate. the same thought  on my mind on first moving to this small town, then impressing the mayor at the festival that i'd joined the impressive flight with the  certainty other bad people were on my smart ass trail. i even looked the part, mayor and i costumed as western characters, my outfit a little more threatening,  sans any reaoning, being from clay county , missouri, originally, the home of jesse james and 'that' deputy sheriff's racist kid and other cop families surrounding.

can you imagine the trouble i could have gotten into. whoo ... as it turns out the quiet character of hudson was reserved to the finest property investors, their bedroom community home to 15,000 registered voters and an extra 10,000 voters involved, outta no where,  in the previous election. it is only 10 miles from the twin cities for that matter. 

here's a link on my discovery just four years ago, that is, how malleable people can be.

george floyd

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

worms cry


unable to keep pace
i cry in chorus 
with the worms 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Yotsumono: November





 November --
countless raindrops to measure
the length of a day

a veil of frost
tints Johari's window

ranks of children
prone and obedient
to a flickering image

a none too distant dream




too late 
to contemplate faith--
i wrestle with my dumbells



looks like lil'g is taking control of this here blog again.

the usual unspoken notice, no rhyme, no reason, good enough for you peons, ungrateful, disobedient wretches, no explanation required. it's the new way of doing business. you don't deserve the time.

 or, perhaps you hadn't noticed. i picture the reader ship of this blog as a rather obedient group, holding to a typically upper echelon, educated lot, unwilling to fault what cannot be simply critiqued, however lightly. 

but when you do fall under the default, instigating label, it may be totally, well, an affront to the image you maintain along with the peer group you associate with.  

i, on the other hand, find myself in conflict more often than not, simply for the the recognition of experience in an unfair world. 

or, perhaps i should give up any uncertain themes , albeit a crusade as , unhealthy, and return to haikai, exclusively. you may have noticed some diversion. 

but try as i might, i should recall the forecast that all is lost, to a degree, and the adage that history rhymes. usually without correction.

after all, the reality is that battling the status quo is mostly time wasted and not worth the effort . how soon do we realize that ai is not the gift we are led to believe; nor the generator of income it is hyped to be. 

i've been purported to be a cancer victim of late, a diagnosis i take with as much importance as i do any institutional twaddle from our betters we abide and quote by. truth be known, we know little or nothing from these services. 

more important, my only true friend suffers too, and i hope to make myself presentable and useful in her hour of need. 

otherwise, i find myself in that enviable position of being totally alone, a complaint i brought on myself with great desire.

i just can't help it. fortunately, some difficulties cloud the horizon, because after all, what's a man with out a mission.

you are all welcome to choose your own. 


Friday, November 8, 2024

inseparable corruption

 We're no longer in a position to ignore this problem as, at the present time, the entire budget deficit and thus the entire inflationary problem in the United States is driven by CMS, which is in fact Medicare and Medicaid, and further medicine generally has expanded from about one dollar in 20 to one dollar in five over the last several decades, with virtually all of that expansion being stolen.  We are talking about six trillion dollars a year in the United States alone and if there is a monetary theft that is worthy of forcing to stop no matter how or what people must to put a stop to it -- this is it......


Ed: If you want to see this column, and future columns, distributed it is on you to post the link to this column around on social media.  So-called "free speech" X has handed me a 7 day suspension for telling the AP to stick their recommendation to get more covid jabs in their own butts, deeming that "violent speech."  This is what "AI" is capable of today -- no more "intelligent" than a two year old, and its no better at driving a car than that either, but this is the world we live in where someone's computer will blackball you with no human review of any sort and no right of appeal (incidentally, you might think about that before riding in or owning a car with that garbage in it as yes, that data IS SOLD to others who will fuck you in the ass with it), so if you want to see these ideas propagated, its on you.  I will be looking at the linkbacks which will tell me whether its worth continuing to write these columns from organic activity, that is people like you, spreading them around.  That which nobody reads there is no reason to write and publish -- I can go ski and drink beer instead this winter, should that be the decision of the polity at large.


Medicine is no longer "medicine"; it has been irredeemably corrupted in the United States.

Only severing, with prejudice, the source of that corruption can resolve this.

Witness this article from 2015:

“A lot of what is published is incorrect.” I’m not allowed to say who made this remark because we were asked to observe Chatham House rules. We were also asked not to take photographs of slides. Those who worked for government agencies pleaded that their comments especially remain unquoted, since the forthcoming UK election meant they were living in “purdah”—a chilling state where severe restrictions on freedom of speech are placed on anyone on the government’s payroll. Why the paranoid concern for secrecy and non-attribution? Because this symposium—on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research, held at the Wellcome Trust in London last week—touched on one of the most sensitive issues in science today: the idea that something has gone fundamentally wrong with one of our greatest human creations.


Let's talk about the basic issue: Science is not a result or a statement of fact.

It is a process whereby one first begins with a hypothesis (that is, a belief or theory), one designs one or more experiments, hopefully to try to disprove said theory although attempting to prove it is also acceptable, data is collected and analyzed and then results reported publicly.

You might think that is where it ends.  You're wrong.

Replication by disinterested and even hostile parties is next.  The first experiment means literally nothing from a scientific point of view because there's no proof you didn't tamper with it.  If the hypothesis is proved its even worse if you were the one who stood to benefit from that.  That is, human corruption has to be filtered and the only way to do that is to have disinterested or even hostile parties confirm what you found by repeated running of, and examination of, your experiment.

We don't do this anymore when it comes to "medicine" and we don't even bother attempting it when it comes to other things such as "climate."

As a result trillions is stolen and people die.

Nobody cares about the dying part either -- only the money part.

At the core of this corruption is the money motive and over 120 years ago Congress recognized that men and women would corrupt the various areas of commerce by all sorts of means, every one of them foul, and by doing so ultimately destroy what had driven an incredible burst of progress in this nation called America.  They recognized that the patent and similar laws, passed to incentivize inventing things, could be perverted if you had a way to choke supply and demand so that those "protected" things were perversely required and others deliberately downplayed or overlooked -- or worse, outright prohibited.

They passed 15 USC Chapter 1; the Sherman Act was first, quickly evaded and Clayton followed to make clear that this was not a paper tiger and a line of BS; it was a deadly serious felony for which you'd go to prison.

Robinson-Patman followed stating that in the context of goods buyers of like kind and quantity could not be discriminated against.

These laws have been on the books for over a century.

Virtually every single medical office, every pharmacy, every pharmacist, dentist, hospital and physician violates them every day.

They're 10 year federal felonies, not a jaywalking ticket.

Simply put its illegal to charge different people different amounts of money for the same thing -- like kind and quantity.  As soon as you collude in an attempt to prevent, irrespective of the means, competition on price you've broken the law.  If you obscure the price of a procedure or thing so that it is effectively impossible for a consumer of that thing to shop before purchase, you tie sales together so I have to take (and pay for) something I do not want to get something I do want, or you charge me $2 for something you give to someone else for $1 where we both wanted to buy the same thing under the same set of circumstances you have broken the law; you are a felon.

More than forty years ago the Supreme Court ruled (in Royal Drug) that insurance companies are not allowed to "negotiate price" on a differential basis and that McCarran-Ferguson, another law exempting insurance companies from some aspects of anti-trust, did not apply because "purchasing agreements with vendors of a thing" is not the business of insurance.  It is, in fact, nothing more than attempting to negotiate a volume transaction.  That decision was confirmed a few years later in Maricopa County when the medical providers tried once again to circumvent 15 USC claiming that there was some special aspect of it when an insurance company was involved.  They lost the second time as well.

The only way to fix this, short of simply shooting everyone who is financially raping the American public to the tune of trillions a year via these felonious schemes that twice have been ruled illegal at the Supreme Court and which call for 10 years in the federal slammer for each person who commits said offense is to mandate (and start throwing people in jail if they won't do it) that all persons must be charged the same price for the same thing consumed by a single person in the medical and pharmaceutical industry and "insurance" must be prohibited from coupling paying, provision of service and similar.

This is one of the core holdings in the plan I have promoted for over a decade.

Insurance companies can legally set a "payment rate" of $x for some procedure but they can't condition that on you going to a specific provider as that is an illegal restraint of trade and monopolist practice; if the payout rate for an appendectomy is $5,000 then it has to be no matter where you have it done because you are the principal -- not the insurance company.  Likewise the hospital has to publish each and every thing in a way that the ultimate consumer which is you, not an insurance company, can determine the cost of a procedure with certainty before you obtain it.  Charging someone for a thing they did not agree to is void under long-standing consumer protection laws.

Further 15 USC Ch 1 absolutely bans the payment of "incentives" (bribes) by insurance companies to physicians or hospitals on various metrics -- for example, payment for vaccination rates.  That amounts to an illegal force-tied sale that is shoved down the customer's (patient's) throat under penalty of being fired, and a thing they may not want and once again is not "the business of insurance"; and again the Supremes so-ruled in Royal DrugThis practice, which is near-universal and was extended to covid shots, is illegal and it is a criminal felony carrying 10 years in prison for not just the insurance company executives that put it in place but also every individual physician who complies with and benefits from it.

Medicine has one very specific circumstance that doesn't arise in general with other services: You might be flat on your back and unable to shop or negotiate.  In every other line of work abusing a person of diminished capacity is a further felony -- in medicine its how money is made.  This must change and such an offense must be dealt with through extreme prejudice, including permanent license revocations, prison sentences and forced disgorgement of all assets obtained by such a practice.

This isn't a "radical proposal"; in fact all of it was mandated by the Supreme Court more than forty years ago.

If our government will not enforce the law and by deliberately refusing screws the American people out of trillions of dollars per year there is absolutely no reason for the American people to peacefully permit that to continue for even a single day.

Actuaries compute the value of human lives every day; the medical and "health insurance" system violates those limits  on a wild-eyed basis every single hour and by doing so commits offenses sufficient to call for the imposition of the death penalty.

We cannot fix a system that has designed itself to be corrupt other than by removing those capacities.  Those who have and are profiting from this will, of course, resist such a change and have for decades.

We're no longer in a position to ignore this problem as, at the present time, the entire budget deficit and thus the entire inflationary problem in the United States is driven by CMS, which is in fact Medicare and Medicaid, and further medicine generally has expanded from about one dollar in 20 to one dollar in five over the last several decades, with virtually all of that expansion being stolen.  We are talking about six trillion dollars a year in the United States alone and if there is a monetary theft that is worthy of forcing to stop no matter how or what people must to put a stop to it -- this is it.

This is Trump's first and most-important job because the entire Federal Budget Deficit lies here, there is no other way to fix it than to dismantle the medical monopolies and he can do it without a single new law being passed by prosecuting every single hospital and pharma company that prices on any sort of differential basis and arresting, charging everyone involved with a 10 year in the prison felony, who does not immediately implement 100% level pricing all disclosed up front and with every link to so-called "insurance" severed.

THIS IS THE PATH OUT OF THE MELTDOWN and note the date it was written.  No, we cannot avoid the hit to GDP and unemployment in the short term that fixing this will cause.  It will come but we can avoid the destruction of the medical system entirely and the destruction of the federal government's funding capacity.




Thursday, November 7, 2024

framework' the head of it all

 There are a number of acts Biden and Harris took that were clearly unlawful.  All of them must be unwound.  Some will be unpopular but that doesn't matter; you either stand on the Rule of Law or you do not.  Further, unlawful and unconstitutional attempts at obstruction, such as the highlighted area here if it occurs must be met with immediate indictment and prosecution along with the immediate yanking of any security clearance of anyone involved, which is an absolute and non-reviewable right of the President.

 framework' the head of it all 

 The Market Ticker content may be sent unmodified to lawmakers via print or electronic means or excerpted online for non-commercial purposes provided full attribution is given and the original article source is linked to.


Tuesday, November 5, 2024

hello, everyone, welcome to my latest post;

 in honor of ... well, make it anythng you want, but for the time being, in order to mark the last american election of this experiment beginning in, oh, 1776. 

more importantly, i'll be making some breakfast- pork loin fried at low heat in plenty of butter, and hopefully not the last. i moved to this little burg close by the river some ten years ago, and told the mayor at the pepper fest parade there'd be plenty of low-life contacts directly from the cities right on my tail.  

his answer was a conscious, 'welcome'. ... oh damn, i burned the first one ... perhaps i'd better re-think my issue of dominance over this town.

here's martin armstrong with a few of his predictions ... 

dutifully removed by guess who - 

i should have realized a plaform in the throes of becoming the voice of ... tyranny, what an overused word; let's use egotistical musings based on dreams of control. no one will ever take over this country.  believe me, you'll be dying trying. 

in the meantime ill figure how t log what scares  panty-waists at lil'g and enjoy writing for a change. be back after some errands ...

IN THE INTERIM i watched the market ticker's review of the election itself, which is somewhat assumable  that  most of the problems and machinations alleged to have occured during the last count have been accounted for by  coffee and a mike drop which is why google went to all the censorship trouble, but not to include the inherent typing problems i know they are the source of now. 

this outfit wants to run the post modern world... ha ha ha ... read or watch the broadcast to see what else you've been missing. 

Saturday, November 2, 2024



first frost
another rite of passage --
mother left never to return

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


an asian beetle
surpassing the screen--
it does not bite

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

does this mean i'm better off dead?

 . . . let's not go there for now.

however, the essay does present the root of the problem in a most succinct way. yes, virginia, you've been lied to again. submitting a deviant excuse as a means to assuage a bit of discomfort, and lobbyist angst, in a manner with no viable solution.
other than requiring your congress to act. one recent presidential candidate addressed the issue directly on his mission statement; this notice vanished the day after his election, including notice of applicable laws, reviewed by the supreme court, actually. 
 so much for your interests. which makes you, the citizen, responsible for any viable change. is it difficult to muster the time and interest to support such an effort?

as compared to what ? a sovereign debt default?

 fiscal reality, like it or not



Thursday, October 17, 2024








one last image --
portrait of a sandwich

Wednesday, October 16, 2024








Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sunday, July 14, 2024

no comment, no vote, no distinction


''every Democrat and media outlet tonight is like 

"Thank God Hitler is okay and wishing Hitler a speedy recovery."




Monday, June 24, 2024

Error or Fraud - A New Bombshell in the Data or Business As Usual

Nobody multiplies an entire data set by -1 on accident; it is done deliberately to reverse the data as it exists and never for any other purpose.

This discovery is hard mathematical evidence of fraud.  This report is allegedly "extensively reviewed" before publication and therefore said fraud extends to the reviewers in that either (1) they didn't actually review it in which case that's fraud in that they claimed to do something they did not or (2) they did review it and intentionally passed on it understanding what it was in which case they're active participants in the original fraud.

Now I am presuming the data shows what this video claims -- that is, it really is multiplied by -1 across the entire data set.

But assuming that claim is true then the entire report is knowingly and intentionally false and since the point of these reports is to induce governments to spend money in some places and not others it is organized racketeering via said fraud and every single person involved must go to prison immediately and forever along with the IPCC as an organization being entirely and without possibility of reconstruction destroyed           

Karl Denninger

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

So Russia is:  1) out of ammo; 2) using 1950's tanks; 3) being controlled by a leader who died of cancer a year ago; 4) out of money and unable to sell oil; and 5) going to invade Western Europe.

Makes sense.



Thursday, May 2, 2024



 I meant to put a map of Odessa, Ukraine with a red pin marking the spot, here, but google won't allow it. It's the ten year anniversary of the murders of dozens of eastern separatists in a trade union building where they had gone to hide from a mob of Nationalists brought in for the day. 


Saturday, April 20, 2024


freeze warning -- 
for the rest of the day
they still talk of war

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Power Corrupts


On the occasion of cuttting ties with an ambiguously named ISP; This is a celebration!
Finally, after years, decades perhaps, another provider was discovered to take on the company with the most hated business model in America. It's called competition, and the service is provided at half the fee of the outfit that hires Somali pirates to take its service questions. Poor bastards. I don't blame them. The pirates that is.
Of course, pirates being pirates, separation was not achieved without a little bloodshed. I'd offered to negotiate my leaving. That, of course was a fool's errand. Talk to a bot once after midnight that proclaims it needs a human being representative for decision making but then, confronted with certain facts, claims that a human being is not qualified for decision making. Which adds to the confusion and leads to the benign question, "who the fuck is making decisions?!"
You hear that a lot nowadays, for all types of functions. But, this is America, after all. Could be the other side of the globe, if you're not  paying attention, such as expressed in a famous quote by a former Deputy of Defense Rumsfield citing his unknown knowns or, more succinctly, "All your resources are belong to us", after considering what they say compared to what they do.
Rather than petitioning for a moral high ground, allow me to point out the reason for hope from the basis of one of us who has "seen it all" and adjusted reasoning and reaction just to help it get better.
No, it isn't pretty. But it is characteristically human. Which means it will get worse before it gets better.
Once hardship presides, it's a few short steps to starting over. Consequences for playing rough are set aside, one might say. What other choice is there? The one you make. The Known  is expressed by observable actions, be they supported by Force, or its waning strength. 
How is it then the meek shall inherit the earth? Because they're still here, and they're mad as Hell. Come and find out.


'O no, you first, I'm right behind you - 

And then BAM! a weight like a massive stone descending on its sunken chest, disrupting the FA Cup semi on the biggest screen available in this awkward sanctity, it's gauche decor with some really shoddy lighting ensconced in a musty old basement, cobwebs hung heavy in every corner with dust.

It's the space preserved for the winner's history. A lonely place, one adorned with all the self perpetuated trophies and thoughtless certificates of award to and from it's own image given away like toothpicks at one of those tawdry, low-buck functions, virtues described in a fiction by Louis L'amour, ineffectual and moot. All in all, and one after another, they demarcate the unintended consequences born of a self congratulatory, good old boy board of directors.

A republic, like any other that stood before it, it hasn't spoken to its insufferable spouse for days on end.

As it falls, in slow motion impossibly ridiculous for its sheer, dead weight and fathomless hubris, an arrested scream remains unresolved, stifled in its throat. But for the epiphany of knowing it's too late - there it hangs suspended for what seems an eon, then head first into its plate of beans and sausage, dead dead dead.

the full moon declines
and then
the next morning of spring

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Saturday, March 30, 2024


out of respect
the snowman's heart
kept in the deep freeze