this is john's confusion caught for eternity in '67. i've seen a new low-income building burnt down - from 20 miles away. even then i wasn't worried. the attendee's were rather benign. nobody had run out of food yet.
the elected leaders were on a roll though. that is, 35 years later.. seems they were invited to a seminar on advancing blame for reckless popular leadership back to law enforcement. just as expected. but not, really. i/m talking about the george floyd riots here, what, four years and a buttload of indignation and caution spewed over media. i mean, don't let your sorry ass hang out when you can stir up an angry mob. the trick, disingenuous as it is dangerous, is to control it, or, allow an troublemaking media to carry the day forward.
shit, minneapolis wishes it had our crime rate. the same thought on my mind on first moving to this small town, then impressing the mayor at the festival that i'd joined the impressive flight with the certainty other bad people were on my smart ass trail. i even looked the part, mayor and i costumed as western characters, my outfit a little more threatening, sans any reaoning, being from clay county , missouri, originally, the home of jesse james and 'that' deputy sheriff's racist kid and other cop families surrounding.
can you imagine the trouble i could have gotten into. whoo ... as it turns out the quiet character of hudson was reserved to the finest property investors, their bedroom community home to 15,000 registered voters and an extra 10,000 voters involved, outta no where, in the previous election. it is only 10 miles from the twin cities for that matter.
here's a link on my discovery just four years ago, that is, how malleable people can be.
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