Monday, September 16, 2013

September 2013 Moon Viewing Party


You are cordially invited to our ninth moon viewing party of 2013! The full moon rises Thursday, September 19th, GMT.

To submit a poem (each submission remains the property of its author)
you may email us here: HAIKU BANDIT SOCIETY or post in comments.

Please include your pen name so we might accredit your poem properly. Happy moon gazing!

To see previous month's moon poems click here.


hay cutting moon
the scarecrow waves
to no one

angie werren

agh, so soon again
moonbeams highlight
the dint in our car

Barbara A Taylor

full moon
from somewhere together
a siren and dog

Adelaide B. Shaw

singing moon
mama's breast
a lullaby

Wabi Sabi

I check my iPad
and watch the horizon
moon hunter


on the autumn tree
only one leaf
a full moon

Ilko Chukov

harvest moon
so many shoppers looking
for bargains…

Stella Pierides

still opened windows
autumn moon rises
through the pines

Mary F.Ahearn

full moon...
pregnancy test

Radka Mindova

midnight moon -
the foxes will soon cross
to the hospice's gardens

a few pound coins
in my pocket for the bus fare
last night full moon

like a third eye
in the deepest darkness
shangri-la moon


ginger moon
the spice
in my autumn tea

Wabi Sabi


angie werren said...

hay cutting moon
the scarecrow waves
to no one

Barbara A Taylor said...

agh, so soon again
moonbeams highlight
the dint in our car

Adelaide said...

full moon
from somewhere together
a siren and dog

Adelaide B. Shaw

Wabi Sabi said...

singing moon
mama's breast
a lullaby

Stella Pierides said...

harvest moon
so many shoppers looking
for bargains…

Rick.Daddario said...

I check my iPad 
and watch the horizon 
moon hunter

mary f.ahearn said...

still opened windows
autumn moon rises
through the pines

Anonymous said...

midnight moon -
the foxes will soon cross
to the hospice's gardens

a few pound coins
in my pocket for the bus fare
last night full moon

like a third eye
in the deepest darkness
shangri-la moon


Wabi Sabi said...

ginger moon
the spice
in my autumn tea