Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Viruses could use a mascot, too.

A cache of nearly 25,000 email addresses and passwords allegedly belonging to the World Health Organization (WHO), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Wuhan Institute of Virology, Bill Gates Foundation and several other groups involved with the coronavirus pandemic response were dumped on 4chan before appearing on several other websites, according to the SITE Intelligence Group.


The report by SITE, based in Bethesda, Md., said the largest group of alleged emails and passwords was from the NIH, with 9,938 found on lists posted online. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had the second-highest number, with 6,857. The World Bank had 5,120. The list of WHO addresses and passwords totaled 2,732. -Washington Post

The CDC's list pales in comparison to the fictitious number they excreted sometime back of SARS cases confirmed in the U.S. of A. 22 million was the infamous claim. Considering the prior report period garnered less than 1000, while samples provided from across the country were miniscule for the area drawn from, once more sending initial computer models excesses and projections down the memory hole - considering the imagery, achieving the requisite views to stimulate responses in proportion to targeted phrasing implying emergency and immediacy over reasoned planning for all eventualities - practical considerations abandoned for that strain like a non-performing franchise in a stable of retail vaccines, assuring property rights, or any benefit awarded a "value", as an asset, or an investment assuming risk and reward.
Most government Institutions merely collect fees for necessary services. Although the various departments of Human Services often delve into dramatic reenactment or concealing totalitarian leanings with appeals to virtuous biases as mandatory.  Imagine most facebook posts as exemplars.
The 22 million confirmed cases? The CDC, as noted, abandoned a primary function the year earlier, and had simply stopped counting cases, making the daunting tally entirely fictional, or as we say in the technical jargon; they lied through their stinking rotten teeth.
As most approved lies functionality are best applied, (22 MILLION) serves remarkably well to arouse behavioral responses on command. One I enjoy presenting, for its vigor and enthusiastic causation achieving a consistent goal within defined parameters is the rote wish, or curse, of desiring to see protestors against a staggering violation of the Commerce Clause by state entities  become ill and die. I don't believe as a vital warning either. The argument is fallacious on its standing, the author you might say, may be victim to a character flaw. PC is enabling while taking an ass chewing "like a man" inspires caution - I prefer the precariousness of going over the edge into mental chaos snatched from the jaws of defeat. Unless its my money. Interest can be paid with intangibles, too.
Which leads to my assertion that the more violent the logical fallacy presented in our current society's manufactured debate, the more likely the extinction of that logical proof preceing it.
Up here in the Northland, we call this type of passive aggressive posturing "Minnesota Nice".
Myself, I call the action by the non-profit private entity ALWAYS mislabeled " Government Agency".  Like the division of Health Dept. that oversees the issue of licenses to pedicure toenails is a "government agency".
No required certificate or material issues from the CDC that is essential to others operations. No ordinances demand 80% of its donors are retail distributors by nature with the business goals of promotion and lobbying pharmacuetical products in a competitive market using reward and psychological conditioning to make its products more saleable while circumventing vigorous testing and regulation.
Or, as I might say in my chosen field; "when they say, "fuck you", then I say, "Hell, no, Fuck YOU!"

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