Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Meridian Mom Arrested at Kleiner Park; or, "I Got Your Righteous Indignation Right Here".

Two can play this game. For every rebuke of yours, I'll tender three. If you insist, I'll cross the lines of good taste and include scenes with tobacco use. (rated # 1 killer for 50 weeks on the Medical Jumbo Hit List; endorsed by 1000s of Medicaid providers -  until the demographic can be pawned off on Medicare.)

I assume this is another example of Lock Down regulatory dogma (since when did "making it up as you go" become dogma?) assigning law enforcement duties to discern an entire legislative process on the street without precedent or review?
Not to be confused with Law Enforcement habitually lying in arrest records and testimony. Not that prosecutors bend conviction rates with plea deals. You just can't be innocent. Most in the upper echelon of Prosecutor practice are elected officials that vigorously maintain that career and upward mobility. They can point to their records while distancing stated goals.
I guess you could compare these two situations ...

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