Saturday, May 2, 2020

" It's the flu ," he said unequivocally.

Apparently CDC has revised the CV numbers and the 55k alleged CV deaths were actually flu! I can’t believe they are admitting it, but it is officially on CDC website. __ Phyllis Camera

... and with the news of the substitution well on its way to Jupiter and beyond, all the Jacobin dwarf trolls heads began to spin until, finally, they flew, shrieking, into the air and the Great Beyond.

Along came a spider, with a profile resembling a botoxed Kissinger, and counted their desiccated carcasses as - you guessed it, Covert - 19.

(880,000 US federal employees step into Laurasia's primal ooze)

(solar minimum) as the sky folded and contracted, spurred by Krakatoa's repeated explosive (volcanic winter) eruptions, their tiny little bodies turned to dust which now covers my laptop screen and vast acreage, in black and white, in a dream I nearly forgot I had when was I only ten years old.

When I snap my fingers you will return to an alert, well, for a media
induced comatose gadfly of doom, a place much worse than my dusty existence ... what the HELL?



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