Saturday, May 2, 2020

Resistence is fundamental

I had the craziest dream - we sank into another Great Depression, the long awaited, blockbuster sequel - but in just two weeks - compared to the last century's event which took a full two years to fall, still a lesser extent than this current manipulated debacle, its carnage, deliberate or not, of a level of magnitude far greater when the staggering amounts in the last decade preceding it are added, bail outs and boondoggles, domestic and foreign, gone unaccounted for - omg - they've kidnapped the Commerce Clause! Am I still asleep?

The ECB had just turned to the dark side - invoking that same Omerta, the law of Goldman Sachs, trading against friend, foe and citizenry alike - Muppets, the insiders called them - to revoke their humanity, privacy, speech, every transaction on the record, a mark for or against, depending on the seat of power, its definition of social status as arbitrary as the time of day.

"You think you're out when they pull you back in," they remarked;  central bank governors and speculative financiers drawn from the same whole cloth, on their duty free, top executive revolving door positions, the only barrier between public and private monetized debt,  Glass Stegall found dead on their doorstep, with a self inflicted nail gun wound or two, the memory still fresh for anyone paying attention above the din of a Narrative in terms uncertain, more competitive with Euro Zone banking and the omission of collateral's true bottom line. Epstein's flight list is more transparent despite the Princes and politicians with lips tight shut, Bubba's hands the only ones shaking, but from Adrenochrome abuse or the reins of the Pentagon leading everyone astray?

Plausible deniability rules the day, until Orange Man Bad is gone and order and control is restored, a failing Empire inexplicable for its extreme prejudice, and only then can America get on with its manifest destiny:
70% taxation, mandatory vaccinations and 0 carbon dioxide!

1 comment:

bandit said...

ha, ha, ha ... 猿笑